2 min readApr 26, 2022



In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God.

We have an incredible capacity in speech. To see. And then articulate our seeingness. To hear and recite, what we’ve heard. To ideate only to transmit those ideas into the hearts and minds of those we love. Speech.

It is out of the abundance of our life’s desires are we moved to speak. To udder simple words.

Often, though, some words are left unsaid. Either from the overwhelming heartbreak some words invite into our lives, or the excruciating pain we endure just by admitting certain words. But out of the abundance of our hearts, still, the mouth speaks.

Some words, those we often leave unspoken, are ramblings. Chaotic whisperings, desperate attempts of the heart trying to, simply, find the right words. We often exchange heated thoughts with ourselves over how to express the uneasiness of our emotions.

Sometimes, secretly, we blame God for the awfulness we feel. Questioning whether a truly loving God would allow the horrible disasters that, sometimes, wreck our lives. Hidden away, beneath the exterior of our words are these uneasy feelings that are often distant from those words we profess.

Our inner selves. Dark and twisted. Noisy and confused. Disillusioned by the harrowing conditions of our lives. Questioning. Constantly questioning, seeking respite from the turmoil of being disillusioned but always being 'ok’. Somewhere, within us, we grow weary from the hope of, one day, those words being true.

What do you believe? About yourself.

What is it that you seek? From this life.

Do you find yourself worthy?

Of Love? Of compassion? Of care? Of grace and forgiveness?

Or do the words, those silent words from the innermost part of your soul, bring into existence the truth of how you feel?

So does a man thinkth in his heart, so does a man become. Release yourself from the burden of guilt and shame. Look to your center, the foundations of your heart. Examine those harrowing thoughts. Those uneasy feelings. Those ideas about yourself, and others, that reveal painful memories. Unravel yourself from the bungled threading of the past.

Forgive yourself.

That young version of you bitter and tormented, poisoned by the venom of an unforgiving world.


Into a new word, in harmony with the inner most being who’s truly 'ok’.





A human being bringing awareness and energy to recreating the world in the healthy image of herself.